
I'm Katie Hall Reynolds, and so happy you stopped by my website! I have a soulful approach to my intuitive, colorful style. I'm a prolific painter and teacher, and my intuitive art expresses vibrancy and joy. My inspiration comes from nature, noticing the patterns, textures, and colors.

I paint a world of fascination to the eye with bold colors to create magic, peace, harmony, and curiosity. I live in a parallel world, which enhances my intuition and allows me to express a wide range of feelings. My work elicits a sense of sensuality, spirituality, and humor. My art brings enchantment and curiosity to the present. Painting for me is, in fact, a metaphysical question. It's about aesthetics. As an artist, try to bring joy to the world. I feel I'm at the dawn of a more promising journey, and I hope to take you there as well.




"I've enjoyed three of Katie Hall Reynolds' artist workshops, and they've been inspiring to me as an artist and each a joyous gathering for camaraderie and self-reflection. Whether you've had no painting experience or you're an advanced artist looking to gain a fresh perspective and try new techniques, you will benefit. Catered and often featuring live music, Katie is the perfect host. They are not to miss!"

-Kathleen B.

"Katie's intuitive painting classes are not only amazing but also healing for your soul. I really enjoyed Katie's teaching techniques and her energy. Not only will you have the best time, but you'll also be surprised at what creative piece you've made."

- Susan M.

“The first painting weekend workshop I went to of Katie’s, felt like I had been on a two-week vacation. She is so joyful, nurturing, and such a fine artist. She is talented and patient; the workshop was therapeutic and so much fun!

The atmosphere was relaxing by the beautiful setting, nourishing healthy food she served, and getting to dance to Jaliya’s music (Elijah Ndoye and Yacouba Traore). I met a group of beautiful, powerful women artists that day whom I am now friends with. I cannot say enough good things!”

- Paula M.

A good portion of my life involves my love for my animal family. My beautiful horse, Laullie, has been a big part of my life for twenty-five years, as well as my four cats.

I love hiking and being in nature. It helps me connect to something greater than myself, which almost always transmutes to my art form.

I love sound healing for myself and others. Often I do this on a full moon which has an even greater impact. The alchemy and crystal bowls bring one's body into harmony and balance through oscillation and Resonance, which helps you heal. It's a beautiful gift I can offer to myself and others.

I am passionate about working with non-profit organizations such as Salvavsion AZ, Keep Tucson Together, and Forgotton Children.